МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН СТАНДАРТ : 03.080.30 MNS 4946 : 2019
This is a PDF document that contains the Mongolian national standard (MNS 4946:2019) for food safety and hygiene in food production and service. It specifies the requirements and guidelines for food handling, processing, packaging, storage, distribution, and catering. It is intended to help food businesses comply with the law and ensure the quality and safety …

2024 EU VAT Regulations January update | Kreston Global
The EU VAT gap has been a focus of the European Commission, with lost revenue in Member States reaching €99 billion in VAT revenues in 2020. ViDA ( Дижитал эрин үеийн НӨАТ) has been part of the response, with the new legislation adopted across the region from 1 January 2024. In regards to the introduction of ViDA.

Үйлдвэрийн цахилгаан халаагуурын цахилгаан …
Дараачийн: Хоног шумбах халаагуур. Feature Convenient and ready-to-connect, WNH non-explosion-proof control cabinet include temperature, power, multi-loop, process, and safety limit controllers. Designedfor electric heaters, control panels are composed of switching devices, fusing,and internal wiring. Control panels ...