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LT1213 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
The LT1213 is a dual, single supply precision op amp with a 28MHz gain-bandwidth product and a 12V/µs slew rate. The LT1214 is a quad version of the same amplifier. The DC precision of the LT1213/LT1214 eliminates trims in most systems while providing high frequency performance not usually found in single supply amplifiers.The LT1213/LT1214 …

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n n Standing on shoulders of giants: 2009 n "We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants.We see more,and things that are more distant,than they did,not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they,but because they raise us up,and by their great stature add to ours."гар угаах дараалал · You just clipped your first slide!

DC precision of the LT1213/LT1214 eliminates trims in most systems while providing high frequency perfor-mance not usually found in single supply amplifiers. The LT1213/LT1214 will operate on any supply greater than 2.5V and less than 36V total. These amplifiers are specified at single 3.3V, single 5V and ±15V supplies, and