Цементийн чулуунцар нунтаг нунтаглах
Introduction to cement clinker Cement clinker is the semi-finished products based on limestone and clay, iron raw materials as the main raw material, formulated into raw materials according to the appropriate ratio, burning until part or all of the molten, and obtained after cooling. In cement i...
10 оны дэлхийн цементийн шилдэг 2022 компани
4. Heidelberg цемент. HeidelbergCement is one of the world’s largest building materials companies. With the takeover of the Italian cement producer Italcementi, HeidelbergCement became the number 1 in aggregates production, number 2 in cement, and number 3 in ready-mixed concrete. Жилийн цементийн үйлдвэрлэл ...